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en:vvz [2023/02/24 09:38] – [VVZ SoSe 2023 Example] gcwilkinsen:vvz [2025/03/13 19:40] (current) gcwilkins
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-====== VVZ (Vorlesungsverzeichnis======+====== VVZVorlesungsverzeichnis ======
-  * Access the VVZ catalogue via: +VVZ, or Vorlesungsverzeichnis, is [[|the public catalogue of courses offered at HfG]]This is a short guideline for lecturers that need to submit their courses
-  * Submit new course information via the Cloud Form sent to you via email.+
----- +  Send your course details to your department's VVZ Contact. 
-\\  +  - After VVZ Contacts review all coursesall lecturers will receive the link to the VVZ Form. 
-VVZ, or Vorlesungsverzeichnis, is the public catalogue of courses offered at HfG. Lecturers have to submit their course information before each semester, so that they are published in the HfG website on timeThis article describes the different fields of the Cloud Form in order to help lecturers submit the information correctly+  - Each lecturer submits the reviewed course details via the VVZ Form, once for each course. 
 +  - Answer all questions, otherwise the form will fail to send. 
 +  - No confirmation email will be sent after submitting the form.
-:!: Fill the information carefully, once for each course you offer. Information will be transferred to the VVZ website automatically and publicly displayed in it. If you have any technical issues, please contact [[]]; for other doubts, please contact [[]]. 
-Here is an example of a fictive 'IT Support Seminarcourseoffered by IT Support HfG:+  * **Please read the [[|VVZ Richtlinien]] before submitting your courses.** 
 +  * VVZ Contacts are encouraged to re-create this [[ | Template Form]] to collect information from their department's colleagues. Alternativelythey can use this [[ | Template Document]].
-===== VVZ SoSe 2023 Example =====+{{ :en:vvz:richtlinien.pdf | VVZ Richtlinien}}\\ 
 +{{ :en:vvz:template-for-contacts.pdf | Template for VVZ Contacts}}
-^ Question ^ Sample Answer ^ Details ^ 
-| Titel der Veranstaltung | IT Support Seminar | Title of the course | 
-| Kontaktperson | support(at) | **HfG e-mail address** of the contact person | 
-| DozentInnen | IT Support HfG | Name(s) of the teachers, separated by commas | 
-| Veranstaltungstyp | Seminar | Type of course: seminar, workshop, excursion...<sup>1</sup> | 
-| Ausstellungsdesign und Szenografie | nein | Belongs in department? Single choice: //ja / nein// | 
-| Kommunikationsdesign | nein | Belongs in department? Single choice: //ja / nein// | 
-| Kunstwissenschaft,  Medientheorie,  Philosophie und Ästhetik | nein | Belongs in department? Single choice: //ja / nein// | 
-| Medienkunst | nein | Belongs in department? Single choice: //ja / nein// | 
-| Produktdesign | nein | Belongs in department? Single choice: //ja / nein// | 
-| Orientierungsjahr | ja | Belongs in department? Single choice: //ja / nein// | 
-| Einführungskurs | ja | Belongs in department? Single choice: //ja / nein// | 
-| Extra | ja | Belongs in department? Single choice: //ja / nein// | 
-| Beschreibung | This fictive course covers IT basics. | Describe your course briefly. | 
-| Veranstaltungssprache | Englisch | Which language? Single choice: //Deutsch / Englisch// <sup>2</sup> | 
-| Terminbeschreibung | Mondays at noon, bi-weekly. | :!: Describe the schedule. Follow the DD.MM format when appropriate <sup>3</sup> | 
-| Veranstaltungsbeginn | 20.04.2023 | :!: First course date. Follow the DD.MM.YYYY format! | 
-| Veranstaltungsende | 10.07.2023 | :!: Last course date. Follow the DD.MM.YYYY format! | 
-| Uhrzeit(en) | 12:00-14:00 | Describe the scheduled hours | 
-| Ort | Raum 341 (Black Box) | Room where it will take place | 
-| Scheinerwerb | Kein Scheinerwerb möglich | Which type of credit can be awarded? <sup>4</sup>  | 
-| Anmerkungen | Bring your laptops if you can! | Additional notes or comments | 
-| Moodle-Kursmanager (z. B. DozentInnen / HiWi) | support(at) | **HfG e-mail address** of person managing Moodle | 
 +===== Fachgebiet =====
 +There are five paths of study at the HfG, as well as interdisciplinary and inter-departmental offers, including workshops, laboratories and other projects (such as BioDesign Lab, Open Resource Center, Workshops for metal, woodworking, ceramics, photography, etc.) Thus, the subcategories for Fachgebiet are:
 +  - Ausstellungsdesign und Szenografie
 +  - Fachübergreifende Veranstaltungen
 +  - Kommunikationsdesign
 +  - Kunstwissenschaft und Medienphilosophie
 +  - Medienkunst
 +  - Produktdesign
 +===== Veranstaltungstyp =====
-<sup>1</sup> __Veranstaltungstyp:__ +The subcategories for Veranstaltungstyp are
-  - Basis-Lehrveranstaltung+  - Basis Lehrveranstaltung
   - Blockseminar   - Blockseminar
   - Einzelbesprechung   - Einzelbesprechung
   - Exkursion   - Exkursion
   - Kolloquium   - Kolloquium
-  - Multiple Choice +  - Grundlagenkurs
-  - Praxisseminar +
-  - Projekt+
   - Seminar   - Seminar
   - Veranstaltung   - Veranstaltung
-  - Verschiedenes 
   - Vorlesung   - Vorlesung
   - Workshop   - Workshop
-<sup>2</sup> __Veranstaltungssprache:__+**Basis Lehrveranstaltungen** are a very particular type of course with unique implications; a dedicated section can be found below that contains all the context and details. 
 +**Blockseminar:** Shorter, intensive seminars. Their duration can vary from a few days to a few weeks. Depending on the work produced by students, they can grant either a Leistungsschein and, occasionally and for lower workloads, a Workshop-Nachweis can be considered. 
 +**Einzelbesprechung:** Sprechstunde, tutoring. Consultation from students, usually but not necessarily one-to-one. No credit can ever be awarded for these, since they are meant to orient students’ work in other courses or projects. 
 +**Exkursion:** Off-premises visits and trips. Given their short duration, most often they do not offer credits. However, on exceptional occasions, excursions could take place that are long or intense enough to justify awarding a credit. Finally, it is common for excursions to take place as part of a seminar. In such cases, the credit must be awarded through the seminar, not the excursion. 
 +**Kolloquium:** Usually centred around the students’ projects or a shared interest, these are ongoing, regular spaces for open discussion. Similar to Einzelbesprechung, they cannot award credits, because they are meant to support existing work that is carried out for other seminars. 
 +**Grundlagenkurs:** They are meant to teach a concrete, technical skill or knowledge (lighting, drawing, CAD software, etc.) Each department has a specific set of Grundlagenkurse, consult the corresponding Prüfungsordnung. They must always offer a Grundlagennachweis and, when appropriate, they can additionally offer a Leistungsschein. 
 +**Seminar:** Lasting for at least one entire semester, most of the standard courses fall under this category: long-form, taking place on a regular basis. Commonly, they can grant Leistungsschein, but in cases where the theoretical content is a substantial part of the seminar, they can also offer Leistungsschein Fachtheorie. This decision falls upon the lecturers themselves, and should be made responsibly. Only one credit can be awarded to each student for a single Seminar. 
 +**Veranstaltung:** Often taking place in the evenings, these are public-facing events which connect the HfG to the broader community in Karlsruhe. Without exception, Veranstaltungen cannot grant course credits. 
 +Vorlesung: Ongoing lectures provided by the teachers with little to no input from the students. If the teaching style is more participatory, then it should be classified as a seminar. If it does not take place regularly, it should be classified as a Blockseminar. 
 +**Workshop:** Usually shorter in time, the teaching style must be interactive and participative, often emphasising a hands-on and experimental approach. They cannot offer Basisleistungsscheine, Leistungsscheine, nor Leistungsschein Fachtheorie. 
 +==== Basis Lehrveranstaltung ==== 
 +Basis Lehrveranstaltungen are a very particular course type, with specific requirements and implications. This section tries to provide as many details and as much context as possible. Nonetheless, lecturers should always check with their department’s VVZ-Kontakt before submitting a Basis Lehrveranstaltung to the Vorlesungsverzeichnis. 
 +Basis Lehrveranstaltungen should take place regularly, for at least one semester. To obtain a Basisleistungsschein, students can present theoretical or artistic work, appropriate with the field of each course. 
 +  * Basis Lehrveranstaltungen should provide undergraduate students with an introduction to a specific field or discipline, mapping it out for them. These courses therefore have a high degree of theoretical and historical content; thus, they should always be taught in cooperation with the theory department. 
 +  * The different Prüfungsordnungen, which regulate each Studiengang, determine that each student must obtain three Basis-Leistungsscheine, of which one must be an introduction to either Kunstwissenschaft or Medien Philosophie. The number of basic courses required per semester must be calculated from this requirement and the planned number of all first-time and new enrolments. 
 +  * The Kunstwissenschaft und Medienphilosophie department will offer one Basis Lehrveranstaltung each semester, alternating between an introduction to philosophy and an introduction to art history. 
 +  * On a rotating basis, two of the four remaining departments will offer the remaining two Basis Lehrveranstaltungen. They will do so in cooperation with the theory department. 
 +  * The theory department will appoint a person responsible for the coordination and management of Basis Lehrveranstaltungen. 
 +In terms of the credits awarded by Basis Lehrveranstaltungen: 
 +  * No Basisleistungsschein can be offered by any courses that are not Basis-Lehrveranstaltung. 
 +  * All Basis Lehrveranstaltungen must grant a Basisleistungsschein, but they can also offer other Scheine for more advanced students and different workloads. In such cases, only one of the two possible Scheine can be offered to the same student for the same Basis-Lehveranstaltung, never both, without exception. 
 +===== Scheinerwerb ===== 
 +Without exception, credits of a certain department can only be granted by teachers from that same department. If no teacher from a certain department participates in the seminar, credits cannot be offered for that department. 
 +There are five types of Scheine: Basisleistungsschein, Grundlagennachweis, Leistungsschein, Leistungsschein Fachtheorie, and Workshop-Nachweis. Courses can also take place without offering any credits.  
 +**Basisleistungsschein** are very particular, see the section for Basis Lehrveranstaltung above.
-Sometimes the language is not clear until the group of students is formedbut the technical system requires a single choice. You can select the one you expect or prefer and add note in the 'Anmerkungen' that you are open about the language.+**Grundlagennachweis:** Without exceptionthey can only be granted by Grundlagenkurse, and all Grundlagenkurse must offer Grundlagennachweis. For reference, see the section on Grundlagenkurse above, as well as each department’s Prüfungsordnungen.
-<sup>3</sup> __Terminbeschreibung:__+**Leistungsschein:** This is the ‘standard’ credit type, and the most common. They are usually awarded by Seminars, and are equivalent to three Workshop-Nachweis of the same study path. They cannot be awarded by short courses with low workloads, such as Workshops, Exkursions, etc. Students can submit both theoretical and artistic work, as well as mixed approaches, to secure a Leistungsschein, as long as the workload, topics, and methodologies are appropriate to the seminar, as per the lecturer’s responsibility.
-For Blockseminars, use the format D1.MMD2.MMD3.MM, etc\\  +**Lesitungsschein Fachtheorie:** In the context of a practical or artistic subjectand when a significant portion of a Seminar’s content is theoreticalit can grant a Leistungsschein FachtheorieThis decision is the responsibility of the lecturer. For this reasonit is recommended that this is an important point of discussion during the meeting that the VVZ-Kontakte will have with Prüfungsamt prior to the publication of the VVZ.
-For example: 20.0421.04, 27.04, 28.04.+
-<sup>4</sup> __Scheinerwerb:__ +**Workshop-Nachweis:** Three Workshop-Nachweise of the same study path are equivalent to one Leistungsschein of that same study path. Therefore, the workloads required for these two types must approximately preserve this ratio. In the case of Kunstwissenschaft und Medienphilosophie, the ratio is 2:1, instead of 3:1.
-  - Kein Scheinerwerb möglich +
-  - Basisleistungsschein +
-  - Grundlagennachweis +
-  - Leistungsschein Kommunikationsdesign +
-  - Leistungsschein Produktdesign +
-  - Leistungsschein Medienkunst +
-  - Leistungsschein Ausstellungsdesign +
-  - Leistungsschein Szenografie +
-  - Leistungsschein Kunstwissenschaft +
-  - Leistungsschein Kunst- und Medienphilosophie +
-  - Leistungsschein ergänzende Theorie +
-  - Leistungsschein fächerübergreifendes Projekt +
-  - Leistungsschein Fachtheorie Kommunikationsdesign +
-  - Leistungsschein Fachtheorie Produktdesign +
-  - Leistungsschein Fachtheorie Medienkunst +
-  - Leistungsschein Fachtheorie Ausstellungsdesign +
-  - Leistungsschein Fachtheorie Szenografie +
-  - Workshop-Nachweis Kommunikationsdesign +
-  - Workshop-Nachweis Produktdesign +
-  - Workshop-Nachweis Medienkunst +
-  - Workshop-Nachweis Ausstellungsdesign +
-  - Workshop-Nachweis Szenografie+
en/vvz.1677231528.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/02/24 09:38 by gcwilkins

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