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VVZ (Vorlesungsverzeichnis)

VVZ, or Vorlesungsverzeichnis, is the public catalogue of courses offered at HfG. Lecturers have to submit their course information before each semester, so that they are published in the HfG website on time. This article describes the different fields of the Cloud Form in order to help lecturers submit the information correctly.

:!: Fill the information carefully, once for each course you offer. Information will be transferred to the VVZ website automatically and publicly displayed in it. If you have any technical issues, please contact; for other doubts, please contact

Here is an example of a fictive 'IT Support Seminar' course, offered by IT Support HfG:

VVZ SoSe 2023 Example

Question Sample Answer Details
Titel der Veranstaltung IT Support Seminar Title of the course
Kontaktperson support(at) HfG e-mail address of the contact person
DozentInnen IT Support HfG Name(s) of the teachers, separated by commas
Veranstaltungstyp Seminar Type of course: seminar, workshop, excursion…1
Ausstellungsdesign und Szenografie nein Belongs in department? Single choice: ja / nein
Kommunikationsdesign nein Belongs in department? Single choice: ja / nein
Kunstwissenschaft, Medientheorie, Philosophie und Ästhetik nein Belongs in department? Single choice: ja / nein
Medienkunst nein Belongs in department? Single choice: ja / nein
Produktdesign nein Belongs in department? Single choice: ja / nein
Orientierungsjahr ja Belongs in department? Single choice: ja / nein
Einführungskurs ja Belongs in department? Single choice: ja / nein
Extra ja Belongs in department? Single choice: ja / nein
Beschreibung This fictive course covers IT basics. Describe your course briefly.
Veranstaltungssprache Englisch Which language? Single choice: Deutsch / Englisch 2
Terminbeschreibung Mondays at noon, bi-weekly. :!: Describe the schedule. Follow the DD.MM format when appropriate 3
Veranstaltungsbeginn 20.04.2023 :!: First course date. Follow the DD.MM.YYYY format!
Veranstaltungsende 10.07.2023 :!: Last course date. Follow the DD.MM.YYYY format!
Uhrzeit(en) 12:00-14:00 Describe the scheduled hours
Ort Raum 341 (Black Box) Room where it will take place
Scheinerwerb Kein Scheinerwerb möglich Which type of credit can be awarded? 4
Anmerkungen Bring your laptops if you can! Additional notes or comments
Moodle-Kursmanager (z. B. DozentInnen / HiWi) support(at) HfG e-mail address of person managing Moodle

1 Veranstaltungstyp:

  1. Basis-Lehrveranstaltung
  2. Blockseminar
  3. Einzelbesprechung
  4. Exkursion
  5. Kolloquium
  6. Multiple Choice
  7. Praxisseminar
  8. Projekt
  9. Seminar
  10. Veranstaltung
  11. Verschiedenes
  12. Vorlesung
  13. Workshop

2 Veranstaltungssprache:

Sometimes the language is not clear until the group of students is formed, but the technical system requires a single choice. You can select the one you expect or prefer and add a note in the 'Anmerkungen' that you are open about the language.

3 Terminbeschreibung:

For Blockseminars, use the format D1.MM, D2.MM, D3.MM, etc.
For example: 20.04, 21.04, 27.04, 28.04.

4 Scheinerwerb:

  1. Kein Scheinerwerb möglich
  2. Basisleistungsschein
  3. Grundlagennachweis
  4. Leistungsschein Kommunikationsdesign
  5. Leistungsschein Produktdesign
  6. Leistungsschein Medienkunst
  7. Leistungsschein Ausstellungsdesign
  8. Leistungsschein Szenografie
  9. Leistungsschein Kunstwissenschaft
  10. Leistungsschein Kunst- und Medienphilosophie
  11. Leistungsschein ergänzende Theorie
  12. Leistungsschein fächerübergreifendes Projekt
  13. Leistungsschein Fachtheorie Kommunikationsdesign
  14. Leistungsschein Fachtheorie Produktdesign
  15. Leistungsschein Fachtheorie Medienkunst
  16. Leistungsschein Fachtheorie Ausstellungsdesign
  17. Leistungsschein Fachtheorie Szenografie
  18. Workshop-Nachweis Kommunikationsdesign
  19. Workshop-Nachweis Produktdesign
  20. Workshop-Nachweis Medienkunst
  21. Workshop-Nachweis Ausstellungsdesign
  22. Workshop-Nachweis Szenografie
en/vvz.1677231528.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/02/24 09:38 by gcwilkins

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