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Moodle (Virtual Campus)

In this page:

    1. Course Catalogue
    1. Submit Course Information

Moodle is the virtual campus platform in which teachers and students can interact online: access course materials, write in forums, post related information, etc. Like Cloud or BBB, it is a highly complex, feature-rich and modular tool, which is impossible to cover entirely. For detailed instructions, visit their documentation website.

For Students

Course Catalogue

:!: Use the official VVZ website instead of Moodle as your reliable source of information for available courses and seminars, since not all teachers and courses use Moodle. Enrol in your courses of preference once you have decided base on the VVZ website. Email the responsible teacher if the course is not in Moodle, perhaps they use a different system.

Enrol in a Course

The HfG Karlsruhe Moodle home page shows a list of available courses. To enrol in them, you need to log in first.

  • Login with your username (eg. support) and password.
  • Click on 'Home' at the top left to see the full list of courses offered.
  • Find yours by scrolling or searching (CTRL-F).
  • Click on the title to go to the self-enrolment page.

Use Moodle

You will be presented with the Moodle Dashboard when you log in again, have a look at your Settings and personalise them to your liking. Pay attention to the Notifications and Messages area on the top right for course announcements.

Each course has a dedicated site where you will find course materials, announcements, forums or meeting links.

For Teachers

:!: All courses will be deleted at the end of each semester.
Save the information in a safe place; contact IT Support if you need assistance.

Moodle is a modular, powerful tool that allows you to upload materials, schedules, links, extra resources… as well as communicate with students, or see who is enroled in your seminars. Do experiment with your Moodle courses, or read their documentation.

Submit Course Information

Your Courses

Use Moodle

en/moodle.1678394513.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/03/09 20:41 by gcwilkins

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